Monday, February 28, 2011

"Welcome Aboard!"

Guess what my oldest found written on the back of his new HT Ice-fishing Kit that he bought this afternoon.....

If this is your first "HT" product, Welcome that you are part of our family, I thought you might like to know a little more about our family business.  The remarkable growth of the "HT" product line was no accident.  From it's first stages as a hobby to its ever-increasing rapid growth as a business, God has always been the Major Shareholder.  We fell He has introduced you to us and that you are a part of His goodness.  In hard times, He has never failed in giving us the answers we needed.  Each product must reflect the integrity of the business, including our Major Shareholder.  If we sometimes fail, because we are human, we find it an absolute must to go the last mile to correct our mistake.  Our Major Shareholder is also our Heavenly Father, and it is a great comfort for us to have this security in these troubled times.

If you read these words and find that you are troubled or in need, our Heavenly Father has the answer you have been searching for.  God has told us to "come unto Him, all that labor and are heavy laden, for He will give you rest".  Additionally, "God so loved you and me that he gave His only son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place and that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life".

It is God's love in our family that has made this family business what it is today.  Just remember that anything is possible with God, when you make Him your Major Shareholder.

Best wishes and Good Fishing,
Paul F. Grahl    (HT Enterprises Inc.)

Can't beat that message on the product of something bought at the local Cabela's!!  Worth another read, don't you think?   Good fishing......!

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