Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Servolution to Move-o-lution

Apparently this is a book that's out for Christians to learn how to improve their service to their communities, cities and the world.  I'm all for getting off our butts and doing what should be natural for servants of Christ to do but something bothers me about it.  Granted, I haven't read the book, but as it was explained to us from the front on Sunday morning my hear sank a little and my internal "radical meter" was not interested.  To the presenters, it was the spark that got them serving sandwiches and juice boxes to a homeless shelter crowd on Wednesdays.  I am holding my sarcastic side back a whole lot, so I won't get into it but as my hubby and I were walking home from church we talked about it.  I said, "we need Move-o-lution not more servolution in Christianity today!".  Steve asked what I meant, "isnt' it good people get out and do kind things?"  I thought of the French Revolution.  "What is a revolution anyway?  It's a bunch of totally sold out (heart and soul) ordinary people who grab weapons, ideas and resources that they have and overturn and shake things up!!  Imagine what it was like in France at that time of revolution...heads rolled, yelling, chanting, people moving the existing barriers, willing to die for their cause!  If Christians are not heart and soul plunged into the Cause, the Core, the Reason for being....if they are not willing to MOVE into the tough places in radical spiritual obedience, its a sad pretending."  Servolution should turn into about not just jam sandwiches on Wednesdays.  How about serving up some hot roast beef, gravey slathered spiritual banquet for with radical movement and radical relationship building, every moment of everyday.   That is what happened to Steve and I  14 yrs agao as we were challenged by a spit-spraying preacher called Tony Campolo and we physically moved to a recently attained apartment next to our inner-city church.  Since then, we have discovered time and again our physical movement in a radical uprooting has been the spiritual adventure of our lives.  Let's trade in the Jam Sandwich Christianity, to the Deeply Satisfying Hot Roast Beef Christianity.....that's something to sink your teeth into!

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