I was watching Dr. Phil yesterday whose topic was the single mom who left her 2 kids in the car while she went to a much needed job interview.....I was realizing that everyone was judging her by an "assumed" set of standards that astonished me. They explained that when the police took her "mug shot" (displayed on the show) that her face was a river of tears. She spent 11 days in prison and then faced innumerable fines and charges for lawyers, court bills, etc. One woman who had her heart stirred by the picture and the story, started an online fundraising campaign and raised over $100,000.00. As this mom was completely overwhelmed by others generosity, she started to secure her and her children's life with rent, paying off debt and bills and clothing. People said they started to see her wear "designer clothing", buying an x-box system for the kids, funding her brother's rapping cd...and started complaining, which got into the media. Horror of horrors, she refused to put away $60,000.00 in a fund for the kids for college that would clear her name with the law and with society. Now she was on Dr. Phil.
It was disappointing to see Dr. Phil and others deride her for the choice she made in spending the donations that were raised by this compassionate woman, to survive the courts and onslaught of bills because of it. My thoughts went to how alot of people view the poor; that they are moochers, cannot use their money wisely, will always need a case worker to make it through and "if you don't put away for your kids college or university degree", you are shamed and debased. I feel she must have gone away from that show more harmed then helped, judged and "jailed" by public opinon and false standards. Jesus so astonishingly declares a better way....(read Sermon on the Mount).
Nearing the end of the show, Dr. Phil said, "why didn't you do it, at least to clear your name, now you are a felon! ". She lifted her head and looked straight at his face as she said, "Felons can get jobs and raise their kids too you know!" She's right, many people who have records do and can find jobs and lovingly raise their families...it's harder and messy, but possible. It's society job to adjust their attitudes and standards, welcome the broken into their midst to help and nurture, not judge and decry and control.